When the first Materia Collective album, Final Fantasy VII Remixed, started to form, the organizers made the mistake of saying with this group you could propose arrangements of any kind. Bonnie Bogovich rose to the challenge and decided to arrange a track for “Muppet-style chicken chorus”. Waltz de Chocobo was the first track to feature the fictional group The Bwak Choir, followed shortly afterwards with it’s own music video (complete with chicken singers AND conductor puppets) with “Death Eggs Over Easy” on MOBIUS: Sonic the Hedgehog Remixed to follow in it’s stead. Our third release was “Link Vs The Bwak Choir” aka “Showdown at Lon Lon Ranch” for Tribute Album 64, by Project Corgi. This feathery ensemble has continued existing since and you can follow their current roster and journey into musical madness on their website, twitter, and Bonnie’s youtube channel!