Level 42: Two Feathers (Aragami) and OverAchiever

In addition to hearing the fabulous music composers Elvira Bjorkman and Nicklas Hjertberg wrote for the game Aragami, you get to hear me wax on about the platinum trophy I earned in Fallout 4.
Elvira and Nicklas call themselves “Two Feathers” and they’ve racked up quite a list of credits in the four years they’ve worked together. Their newest project, Aragami, came out earlier this month, and features loads of live instruments, including the Videri String Quartet (who we love here at Level).
Since Elvira and Nicklas did music and sound design, there’s a lovely atmosphere to the score with lots of space and room for the music to simply… exist. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
Regarding the OverAchiever segment, my quest for a platinum trophy in Fallout 4 was, initially, an accident. I finished the game late last year and realized I only needed to get a few more trophies to gain the platinum. In this edition of OverAchiever, you’ll realize how it ended up being a bit ridiculous to acquire.