Level 86: Danny O’Dwyer (NoClip)

In this week’s show, you’ll get to know Danny O’Dwyer a bit. He makes video game documentaries, and we’re big fans here at Level of Danny’s work. His company is called NoClip, and you can find them on Patreon, YouTube, and loads of other places. Danny’s work is fabulous, and he’s covered some great games and topics, like Rocket League, Frog Fractions, Final Fantasy XIV, the upcoming multi-part series on The Witcher is coming out soon – his documentaries are great.
Danny also happens to be a patron of Level, so we did sort of an extended version of Patron of the Week around the middle of the show, and spoke about all five of his choices. Here they are (official playlist below):
Main Theme from The Secret of Monkey Island by Michael Land
Main Theme from Alien Breed II by Allister Brimble
Fighting in the Street from Streets of Rage by Yuzo Koshiro
Streets of Venice from Assassin’s Creed II by Jesper Kyd
Load Screen from Grand Theft Auto V by Tangerine Dream
Gamer Press theme (Level w ER theme) by Sam Keenan
Rocket League Theme by Mike Ault from Rocket League
Main Theme from The Secret of Monkey Island by Michael Land
Main Theme from The Secret of Monkey Island by Michael Land
Main Theme from Alien Breed II by Allister Brimble
Main Theme from Alien Breed II by Allister Brimble
Fighting in the Street from Streets of Rage by Yuzo Koshiro
Fighting in the Street from Streets of Rage by Yuzo Koshiro
Moon Beach from Streets of Rage by Yuzo Koshiro
Fighting in the Street from Streets of Rage by Yuzo Koshiro
Streets of Venice from Assassin’s Creed II by Jesper Kyd
Streets of Venice from Assassin’s Creed II by Jesper Kyd
Streets of Venice from Assassin’s Creed II by Jesper Kyd
Streets of Venice from Assassin’s Creed II by Jesper Kyd
Load Screen from Grand Theft Auto V by Tangerine Dream
Load Screen from Grand Theft Auto V by Tangerine Dream
Load Screen from Grand Theft Auto V by Tangerine Dream
Love Thru the Night (feat. Morgan Perry) from Rocket League by Mike Ault
The Trial from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt by Marcin Przybyłowicz
Lacuna from Rocket League by Mike Ault
We Should Probably Work Together from Death Squared by Brad Gentle
Danny is an amazing fella, and videos cost a lot of money to make. He’s well worth supporting on Patreon!