Level 85: Narcosis writers David Chen and Jeff Mattas

- PATRONS $5 and up each get a download code for this game for either Steam or Xbox!
Our guests for this show are David Chen and Jeff Mattas. David was one of the main writers on the game Narcosis, an underwater, deep-sea survival game. Jeff also worked on the script, and played the lead in the game. I voiced a character in the game too.
The three of us had a conversation about working on the game together.
We avoid the biggest of spoilers, but save this episode if you want to experience the game without knowing some of the details.
There’s no music in Narcosis, so there’s no music in this episode, to prepare you for that.
Working on Narcosis was really fun. Sam and I got to go to Berkeley, California twice for a bunch of days, and Sam helped out with the recording process.
Here’s a short clip from the game, warning about spoilers still applies: