Level 74: Gareth Coker (The Unspoken), POTW Kevin Anderson

If you’re familiar with Gareth Coker’s music from Ori and the Blind Forest, Gareth’s music for The Unspoken is not that. There isn’t an orchestra in The Unspoken, but there are live musicians featured and you’ll hear Gareth talk about working with violinist Bonnie Brooksbank, cellist Tina Guo, vocalist Mimi Page and drummer Matt Laug in the episode.
You can watch a behind-the-scenes of Gareth recording the music here. The full score is on Bandcamp.
It’s a great score, and wonderful to hear this other side of Gareth!
Our Patron of the Week is Kevin Anderson. Here are his five favorite video game tracks, and we spoke about the first two:
1. “Tali” from Mass Effect 2 by Jack Wall
2. “Serial Tagger” from Infamous: Second Son by Nathan Johnson
3. “The Last Array” from Destiny by Michael Salvatori, C. Paul Johnson, and Martin O’Donnell
4. “Rabble Rouser” from Infamous by Amon Tobin
5. “Asimov” from No Man’s Sky by 65daysofstatic