Level 67: Robert Zahn (Serial Cleaner)

We are sorry we’ve been away. After some fun medical times, we now are back and looking forward to bringing you more interviews with great composers from some fabulous games!
Serial Cleaner picks up where a lot of games leave off: after all the killing is finished. You play as a “cleaner” for the mafia, taking care of the evidence left behind by the killer. The game is in early access, and should arrive in the next few months.
Composer Robert Zahn contributed music to the game, and it’s some funky stuff. In a good way! Lots of live players involved.
And, Robert plays and sings in a progressive metal band called Dead Wake . Pretty sure that’s a first for us in the history of all the shows? Composer Béla Bartók also makes an “appearance.”
The playlist is a bit wonky – since Serial Cleaner hasn’t come out yet in its fullest form, the track titles might change. If that happens, we’ll update the playlist. And here’s Robert’s SoundCloud , too!
Music to Hide Bodies To – Serial Cleaner
Bonus – Serial Cleaner
Bonus – Serial Cleaner
Music to HIde Bodies To – Serial Cleaner
Garage – Serial Cleaner
Music to Hide Bodies To – Serial Cleaner
Music for Strings, Percussion and Celeste – Béla Bartók
Home Invader – Serial Cleaner
Left to Drown – DeadWake
Alive and Breathing – DeadWake
Alive and Breathing – DeadWake
Left to Drown – DeadWake
Home Invader – Serial Cleaner
Home Invader – Serial Cleaner
Music to Hide Bodies To – Serial Cleaner