Level 65: Rich Aitken (Mixer – Horizon Zero Dawn)

Rich Aitken is a sound and music mixer. We haven’t had a ton of mixers on the show, and this was a nice opportunity to ask a professional about what mixing is in the first place.
Most recently, Rich mixed and mastered the music and soundtrack for Horizon Zero Dawn . He’s worked on many games, including the Driver series, the Killzone series, Sea of Thieves and more.
Hearing Rich’s music in a podcast doesn’t do it justice. Audio goes through a lot to become a podcast, so we’ll include some links to higher-quality audio if you’d like to hear better examples.
Additionally, Rich runs a Facebook group aimed at teaching people how to mix scores; you can find it here .
Narco – “Standoff” Driver 3 Original Soundtrack
Main Theme, Horizon Zero Dawn by Joris de Man
Narco – “Evil Brother” Driver 3 OST
Main Theme, Killzone 3 by Joris de Man
Main Theme, Horizon Zero Dawn
Main Theme, Far Cry 2
“Gimme Danger” Iggy and the Stooges